Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of those moms out there! I must say that I include myself among them... I am mama to my dog, Baby! I am so glad he is in my life and he makes me even happier each day. To let you know how I came about having a dog... I found Baby roaming around a busy road, that was under construction, three years ago. I got him to come to my car and I took him straight to the Wal-Mart to buy him some food and water. He had to have been wandering for a while, he was covered in dirt and sticker burrs that were all the way to his skin! I went to the vet to have him checked out and he was in great health.... even neutered! I knew he had to be someone's pet so I checked with Animal Control for two weeks but he was never reported missing. I even looked for flyers around the area that I found him and farther away since he had been walking for who knows how long. I never found anyone looking for him and so I adopted him! I named him Baby Boy, Baby for short. He is just like a child to me and I love him with all of my heart! I can't picture life without him. So Happy Mother's Day to ME! :)


Kimberly said...

That was interesting, I had no idea how you came about getting your dog. You have a very tender heart! He's lucky you found him.